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Main Content
Online journals
- Neurology - AAN Journal
- JAMA Archives of Neurology
- Neuron
- The Journal of Neuroscience
- The University of Utah Library
Neurology physical exam
- Interactive neuro exam
Good resource for students. Video clips are available showing the physical exam. Text and tables are also presented.
Neuro anatomy links
- Wisconsin Medical Neurosciences
Excellent movies and navigation through several different pathways. "Quicktime" available for download. - Harvard Whole Brain Atlas
Excellent source for images including PET scans and MRI. Useful for self-evaluation and study - Atlas from Washington University
Many gross anatomy images. Includes interactive quizzes for brain structures. Very good study guide. - Neuropathology and Neuroimaging
Very nice pictures of pathologic processes and disease. Very little text or teaching. - University of Rochester, Muscle and Nerve pathology (link currently unavailable)
Reference for images of muscle and nerve biopsy.
Ophthalmology and eye movement disorders
- UC DAVIS Neurological Eye Simulator (link currently unavailable)
This website contains some great simulation programs that allows you to enable or disable various nerves and muscles of the eye and elicit the appropriate response. There are also quiz modules asking you to decipher in which muscle or nerve the lesion lies. This website is helpful for students in the neuroanatomy course for discovering the actions of CN III, IV, and VI, as well as for more advanced medical students and residents - especially in the quiz section that tests knowledge of the particular lesion, symptom, or case study presented. Excellent teaching tool. - Handbook of Ocular Disease Management
This website provides nice boxes of "clinical pearls" that appear to be very helpful for students in clinical rotations and possibly for resident review. There is information on a variety of disorders, including information regarding their signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, and management. There does not seem to be interactive activities on this website and the pictures are not able to be enlarged.
Medicine research links
- Neurosciences Guide to the Internet
This site is a search engine designed specifically for the neurosciences. It is helpful in that it allows simulations on selection using 'and/ or' criteria. - Harrison's Online
Online Harrison's, the "authoritative" medicine textbook." - PubMed
- Up to Date
Quick, easy to search guide to the most current information. Useful only if you are on campus or have personal paid access.
Grant money and organizations
The NIH is always a good place to look for funding. If you are a medical student, look into the "F31" grants. If you are an MD/PhD student, check out "F30". If you are an upper level resident who is thinking about fellowship or an academic career, look toward the "K" grants. - NINDS
National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke is willing to provide grant money for individuals conducting research that will further neurology research. - American Heart Association
The AHA is concerned with vascular function and may be willing to fund stroke research.
MD/PhD candidates
- American Physician Scientist Association
Good resource for MD/PhD students. Provides opportunities to become involved and contribute to the clinician/scientist community as we continue to bridge the gap from bench to bedside. - Medical Scientist Training Program
Student written guide to what the MD/PhD application process and a basic outline of the programs. - MD/
Another basic outline web site. Lists all of the programs in the United States.
Other links
- American Medical Association
Medical student organization that is heavily involved in the political aspect of medicine. Offers opportunities to students to be involved in health care policy making. - Brain Awareness Week
The DANA foundation sponsors Brain Awareness Week in March of each year. Make an effort to get involved and support neurology! - Student Doctor Network
Good website for students to interact with other students from across the country and around the world. The Neurology Forum often discusses cases and residency programs. - Sylvius Neuroanatomical Reference
Nice site showing neuro-anatomy structure and function. Very good teaching tool. Need to purchase to view the most helpful components. **iPod friendly version available** - Neuron Art
Very nice 3D and AV representation of neurons and ganglia! It's good to use the right side of your brain once in a while.